Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Aaaahh.. It's been a while since the last time i write something here. Bukan apa, tader nice story to tell.. Yesterday we had the celebration of UNISEL's 10th years. Everybody was wearing the new corporate shirt orange in colour. Looked nice and neat. At 9.15am Menteri Besar Selangor arrived.. very punctual. Aku sampai kul 9.10am, haha nasib baik!

Yang paling menarik was the pantomin and poem citation by the students. Very the proud I was with their show. I thought I would die of boredom. Clap clap!

Pastu lunch lambat sampai.. sbb we finished early! 1 hour ahead. Dahler panas, ngn baju kemeja oren long sleeve.. makanya once nmpak caterer buh lauk, berlari2 lah mak2 budak dan bapak2 budak que for food.. skali sudu tader! Bising la apalagi.. sian plak caterer tu. Muka bengang jer.. jgn marah bang, nnti finance tanak bayar kang..

Petang, on the same day.. suprise birthday party for dean plak.. perut kenyang lagi with earlier nasi minyak ni.. tp rugi kalu tak join! Ada sate, laksa, mee hoon, kek 3 biji all by secret recipe (rugiler tak makan kan?) dan macam-macam lg.. terduduk jugaklah kekenyangan. Dan pening.. too many minyak in system.. adoii

Kenyang sampai ke malam.

Today, jeng jenggg... oleh kerana agak phobia dgn kekenyangan smlm, aku skip taking nasi for lunch. Bring roti to work cicah with white coffee. Taking nasi everyday mmg naik badan lah.. isk iskk, kena be careful bout this.. Tau-tau, dah tak muat sluar! Adoii..

Monday, June 1, 2009

TONKA Push to Walk

Bought Akid toys.. Kesian dia didn't have any proper toys to play with. Asyik plastik dan kotak jer. But actually those are his favourites. Pernah bought him soft toys but smua campak keluar his playpen. Tu yang dah malas na bli dia toys. Lagi satu his favourite, push walker from outside. Asik na tersembam jer sbb laju. It's time for more advance gadget. Must find push to walk. Ada jugak cari second hand in blogs and websites, tp mostly dah sold out.. frust jer. So last saturday we went to Toy'R'us.. cari push to walk for him. After evaluations, have selected "Playskool Tonka Scoop 'N Scoot 3-in-1 Ride" dan one more unlisted purple gadget. Tak puasa mata aritu, huhuhuhu! Price is affordable (awal bulan, standard!) and I guess that's the best choice from all the displays. Terbang duit mummy daddy.. takperlah, dah boring, simpan for brother sisters plak yer Akid!